Tsunami is the haunting word to the world today. An elementary science student knows that Tsunami is the result of massive earthquakes in deep sea. Have you ever thought why earthquakes are happening in such a magnitude? Despite all the media publicized scientific explanations, the fact lies somewhere else.
When you pump out oil, vacuum is created just like you suck out air from a sealed container. The deference in the density of the replacing material, if at all such replacement happens, will determine the magnitude of earth quakes by which earth gets adjusted to human intervention. (Oil extraction on land is a reason for lowered levels of ground water in India.)
Since most of the tsunamis are due to over exploitation of nature’s wealth, it can be prevented easily. Let us just stop sucking mother’s blood- the oil. Use water as the primary source of energy. Use solar energy to electrolyze water. Vehicles will run on hydrogen from water and release oxygen through its vent pipe. Envisage a pollution free world we love to live. Unfortunately the brutally strong oil companies and the oil rich nations won’t allow us to do it since they does not own the sun.
On the other part, see the Japanese resilience! They are not crying; instead, helping each other. Citizens turn relief workers; food stalls lower food prices, no looting and black marketing. Unity everywhere!
Back in India, we could shut down Kalplakam plant when tsunami hit it. But the oldest GE-made Boiling Water Reactor still operates at Tarapur. (GE supplied all six reactors at Fukushima Daiichi plant) Fukushima spent-fuel fires. India's Tarapur spent fuel is accumulated for four decades, with US unwilling to take it back or let India reprocess. If the fallout from Japanese tsunami is a reliable guide, India’s nuclear power’s advocates, it is time to rethink.